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How Blue Glasses Can Get You To The Top Of The Creative Industry

how blue glasses can get you to the top of the creative industry

Let me ask you a simple question. 

But I want you to really think about it, okay?

Do you want to unleash your inner creative genius?

Really  think about it before going on. 

If the answer is yes, then I’m excited for you

I’m excited, because what I’m about to share will boost your creativity by at least 30%.

I say at least, because it also has the potential to double it or even multiply it tenfold.

And this is not some blog post like “top 10 tips to get more creative”. 

This is real, practical advice that can change your life if you act upon it.

Especially if you work in a creative industry like graphic design, tattoo artistry or anything visual.

Your creativity will strike way above everybody else.

And you can make more than enough to make a living off of a creative job. 

You can make more than enough to THRIVE off of a creative job.

Now you know why I’m excited.

So buckle up, and let’s get started:

How the color blue will get you to the top of the creative industry


Before I reveal this secret to you, I want you to open up to a world of limitless possibilities. 

If you open up your mind, you can truly live any life that you want.

I’ll share with you the secret to reach it.

Are you ready?

Here it is: 


The color Blue Will get you to the top of the creative industry. Fast.

“You promised me all this and then you say it’s just the color blue?”

“Must be some fake marketing gimmick”, you may say.

And I don’t blame you,

With so many brands wanting to get a sale, they’d say anything to get you.

And I know you’ve seen the color blue everywhere and it made no difference whatsoever.

But what I’m about to tell you will change your perspective on that color. It will change your perspective on how you view colors all together:

Did you know that the colors you are mostly exposed to change your mood, and, in turn, your abilities, and productivity?

Nowadays we are surrounded by a lot of white. Which is alright. But it’s a neutral color, and it does not turn on any special part in your brain

But let me tell you, the color blue can be really powerful. 

Compared to other colors, it’s the #1 color you should be exposed to if you work in a creative industry.

Color psychology supports this 100%: 

“Blue lets our mind explore new ideas and concepts without holding back. It provides calming and soothing effects, and lets us tap into our true creative potential.”

I thought it is some random study that leads nowhere.

But I have tried it, and it led me to some of my most amazing ideas.

But that’s not all: 


Blue Will Increase your Cognitive Performance


Cognitive performance, AKA how well you perform, AKA loosely translated as productivity

Get your creative jobs done fast. 

Yep - that’s also part of it. 

Part of how powerful blue can be.

Research shows that exposure to blue light improves cognitive performance, including memory, attention, and creative thinking, by stimulating the brain.

Yet again, another important quality that will get you to the top of the creative industry.

Get creative jobs done. Brilliantly well and extremely fast.

And that is 100% a recipe for success.


Improved Creative Problem-Solving with Blue-Colored Glasses:


Soo many benefits, huh :) 

But it does not stop here:

Blue light creates a calming atmosphere that gets your creative juices flowing and encourages innovative ideas to flourish.

And the great news is:

You can get all these benefits with nothing but a few blue objects from your house.

Just bring in as much blue in front of you while you create.

Blue paper, blue walls, a blue pen. The more blue around you, the more creative you will be.

But I want you to keep reading:

You’ve got an unfair advantage over most people in the creative industry.

Pretty nice outcome from a blog post, huh? :) 

But I don’t want to leave you with just that.

You see, It takes time, and a lot of experimentation to get your set up right so it has a lot of blue.

In fact, it can be quite hard 

Imagine having to re-paint your whole room blue. It’s quite the engagement.

But, let me tell you how to SUPERCHARGE the benefits of blue and get them all without having to replace once thing in your room or office:

Blue colored glasses.


How Wearing Blue-Colored Glasses Can Boost Creativity


Do you want a quick hack to be more creative?

Use the color blue to enhance your creativity by seeing it everywhere.

But it doesn’t sound that practical, does it?

What if we filter out all the warm colors and see only the ones that boost creativity? What if we only see the color blue when we need new ideas?

That’s exactly what Blue Colored Glasses do:

Get your creative juices flowing. Fast.

“Blue-colored glasses filter out warm colors, allowing the brain to focus more on cool colors, which are associated with creative thinking and inspiration.”

That’s all you need: a pair of blue colored glasses.

Filter out all the colors that distract you, and let the color blue inspire your works.

Harnessing the Power of Blue Light: A Step-by-Step Guide:

    1. Choosing the Right Blue-Colored Glasses

      Select glasses with lenses that filter out warm colors, ensuring that your eyes receive the optimal amount of blue light for creativity enhancement.

      Here’s a list of the best ones:

      Best for using all day long:

      Name: Gradient Dreamy Glasses

      Tint Changing (Gradient to Tint) - DreamyBuy Now

      Best for using during intensive creative sessions/brainstorming

      Name: Photocromatic Dreamy Glasses

      Color Changing (Clear to Gradient)
      Buy Now

      Best for outdoor creative sessions:

      Name: Sun Chameleons (Blue Variant)

      Sun Chameleons
      Buy Now

    2. Incorporating Blue Light into Your Creative Routine

      Relax. Take a deep breath and set your intention to create.

      Now get the blue glasses on.

      And look straight through them.

      Get to creating.

      Be more in your body and less in your mind..

      Pro tip: Breathe into the soles of your feet to get into your body. That will help your eyes relax more and let blue take over :)

3. Maximizing the Benefits of Blue-Colored Glasses

Create a comfortable and distraction-free environment, and take breaks to let your mind absorb the creative energy unleashed by the blue light.

Relax and let it take over

If you follow the steps in this guide…

Your creativty will increase by at least 38%

You will be more creative than 85% of the population

You will be more creative than 65% people in the creative industry

And with a little bit of persistence and passion

You will 100% make it in the creative industry.

You can definitely still use this guide and get a lot of benefits from surrounding yourself with blue stuff,

But if it’s definitely better to invest in a pair of blue light glasses.

It will return the profits on a massive scale.

Without the glasses, you will increase your productivity by 5%

With the glasses, it will go up by at least 38%

Meaning at least 38% better projects done

Completing projects at least 38% faster

Even getting clients at least 38% faster

And the more you use it

The more the % increases.

Are you ready to get to the top of the creative industry and finally live that life of your dreams?

Get a pair today.

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